Marketing Material Guidelines and Compliance FAQ
the past performance information of the Other Scheme presented is not
indicative of future performance of the SFC-authorized scheme; and
the purpose of presenting the past performance information of the Other
Scheme is to provide additional information to investors relating to the
investment experience of a fund management group in managing the same
Please also note that the advertisements should comply with the General Principles and all
relevant provisions in the Advertising Guidelines (including the requirements regarding
presentation of performance information of a scheme).
In the event of any changes to the circumstances set out above or when the information
presented becomes misleading, the issuers shall cease to issue/publish any advertisements
making reference to the past performance information of the Other Scheme.
An example illustrating the disclosure requirements referred to in this FAQ 34A is set out at
the following link:
PDFS/Illustrative Example Advertising Materials 20170918.pdf
Please note that the above example is for illustrative purposes only and is not meant to be
complete or exhaustive. Issuers of marketing materials are welcome to contact the relevant
case officers in the Investment Products Division should they have any questions regarding
the above.
Warning Statements / Notes to Prospective Investors
Display-only materials that are not for
distribution and regular publications that include
a listing of schemes and their factual information
for comparison or information purposes only
need not include warning statements or
disclosures specific to a particular scheme.
These materials are required to contain warning statements and notes as required under
paragraph 23 of the Advertising Guidelines, which include statements:
to the effect that investment involves risks;
that the offering document should be read for further details including the risk factors;
where past performance is presented, to the effect that the past performance information
presented is not indicative of future performance;
where the material is exempted from authorization by the Commission pursuant to the
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