National Leather Value Chain Strategy Update
Rationale for selected objectives
To Promote production and export of value added Swaziland has a small livestock base, however with a high off take rates which
To enhance competitiveness of MSMEs
domestic, regional and international markets
generate, on average approximately raw hides and skins amounting to 220,000 per
annum. This is a solid base for establishing a medium sized tannery with a
soaking capacity of 300 hides per day. This development will create jobs and also
double the export revenue earnings.
in MSMEs are the engine of economic growth. Currently there many micro
enterprise, which are involved in the production of footwear, however, many of
them lack basic skills in production and business management and also they are
isolated. These MSMEs have the potential to grow, generate jobs and contribute
to Government revenue, that is, if they are supported to work jointly in
procurement, production and marketing.
To develop the capacity of institutions in building
MSMEs technical and business management skills
To promote cleaner and environmentally
sustainable production techniques and systems.
Inadequate capacity among technical institutions and MSMEs is one of the
binding constraints undermining the growth of the leather value chain. Thus,
technical and vocational training institutions' capacity to offer relevant training
programmes for the leather sector should be facilitated. Many MSMEs which are
currently involved in the production of leather products lack minimum skills in
production and business management.
Cleaner production is critical in order to contribute to the attainment of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, cleaner production also
impacts positively in the area of resource use optimization.View entire presentation