Investor Presentation - Q1 FY23 slide image

Investor Presentation - Q1 FY23

Balance Sheet Particulars (in Mn) Q1FY23 FY22 FY21 ASSETS Cash & cash equivalents and Other bank balance 3,004.3 6,678.5 6,798.7 Loans 47,222.3 43,048.7 33,265.0 Investments 3,266.8 3.750.1 Other financial assets 1,167.7 1,150.0 1,011.7 Property, plant and Equipment* 202.5 200.0 164.0 Non-financial assets other than PPE 79.5 91.5 112.1 TOTAL ASSETS 54,943.1 51,168.7 45,101.6 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Payables 57.7 Debt Securities 1,688.2 Borrowings 36,115.1 62.0 1,687.8 32,979.9 48.5 2,395.9 28,141.0 Other financial liabilities 611.7 569.1 534.8 Provisions 56.7 45.4 32.4 Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 11.2 17.4 79.6 Other non-financial liabilities 123.3 70.2 64.0 Equity 16,279.2 15,736.9 13,805.4 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 54,943.1 51,168.7 45,101.6 * Including right to use assets. Investor Presentation - Q1 FY23 41 homefirst We'll take you home
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