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International Presence and Activities

1900 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 4Q06 4Q07 4Q08 REAL ESTATE MARKET IS NOW FAST DEVELOPING, SUPPLY RESPONDS TO DEMAND Slovak residential property market went through a boom and bust in the run-up to 2008 crisis and euro adoption in January 2009 Market started to recover in 2014. Since then property prices were growing steadily about 8% p.a., growth now encompasses all regions and types of housing. → Slovak real estate price growth though is not excessive in regional comparison, prices in the neighboring countries have grown even faster in the past three years 2300 2100 Property price development (EUR per m², offered - NBS methodology) 24 000 20 000 16 000 12 000 8 000 4 000 0 Completed housing 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 (units) 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 Property price inflation in comparison (cumulative increase in the past 3 years, 3Q20 vs 3Q17) 4Q09 Source: Slovak Stats Office, Eurostat, NBS 4Q10 4Q11 4Q12 50% Flats 40% 30% Total 20% 10% 0% Family houses 4Q13 4Q14 4Q15 4Q16 4Q17 4Q18 4Q19 4Q20 Italy Cyprus Finland Sweden Belgium France Ireland Denmark Romania Spain Malta Estonia Bulgaria Slovenia Lithuania Austria 30.3% Croatia Germany Latvia Slovakia Netherlands Poland Portugal Czechia Hungary Luxembourg 12 21 490
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