Investor Presentaiton
AXtel &.
[2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.8]
We are the Mexican
Telecommunications Enterprise
with the greatest growth in the
Broad Band segment, and one of
the leader companies with TIC (IT
and Communications) solutions in the
corporate, financial, and governmental
With corporate offices located in
Monterrey and with presence in 39 cities
in the Country, we operate our Enterprise
with the support of more than 8 thousand
collaborators, providing service during
2011 to one million 476 thousand
UGI's, 436 thousand Broad Band
Internet subscribers, 368 thousand
Internet users with WiMAX technology,
and 48 thousand clients with FTTH or
AXTEL X-tremo technology.
We serve all the segments in the market
-business, financial, governmental,
wholesale and residential- with the most
robust offering of integral communication
services in Mexico.
Our world class network comprises
different access technologies such as
optical fiber, fixed wireless access, point
to point and point to multi-point links,
offering customized solutions to our
clients' needs.
The AXTEL offering includes the largest
fixed wireless telephone network at
a world level, the fastest Broad Band
service in the Country, the most
advanced solutions for data transmission
and implementation of virtual private
Axtel &
networks, Internet page hosting, data
centers, managed security, services for
other telecommunication operators and
voice services, among others.
AXTEL is a public company listed in
the Mexican Stock Market since 2005,
operating under the "AXTELCPO" symbol
and since 2008 its titles are part of the
Price and Quotation Index (IPC).
*UGI's: Revenue Generating Units.
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