Investor Presentaiton
Pre-2000 and post-2000 pension benefits
PSP was created to manage Post-2000 pension fund assets
Three of the four pension plans have pre-2000 superannuation accounts and all four plans have post-2000
pension fund accounts (the Reserve Force plan was established as of 2007)
For each pension plan, the Chief Actuary of Canada performs a funding actuarial evaluation of both the
superannuation account and pension account, at a minimum of once every three years
Funds were recorded to the Superannuation Accounts,
managed by the Government of Canada
Contributions in excess of benefit payments and plan
administration fees are transferred to PSPIB to be
managed in the best interests of contributors and
beneficiaries, with a view to achieving a maximum rate of
return, without undue risk of loss
Total Pension Obligation
Public Service
Pension Plan
Canadian Forces
Pension Plan
Royal Canadian
Mounted Police
Pension Plan
Reserve Force
Pension Plan
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