Investor Presentaiton
We have initiated a
succession program
designed to prepare
leaders for our
operations, and we
have systematized the
technical qualification
for those operations
Development and careers | 103-2 and 103-3: Training and education |
At Atvos, every professional has
an opportunity to pursue their own
development, combining the strategic
objectives of the business with their
personal objectives and those for their
career. Our employees are guided by
values and beliefs expressed in our
Business Culture whose base rests on
an enterprising spirit and the ability
to positively influence the actions for
planned delegation.
To do so, our Action Program
(PA) channels team development
through five phases: planning,
pact, monitoring, assessment and
judgment. With the objectives and
targets that each employee has to
attain, the PA is drawn up with the
support of the leader, through open
and transparent dialog, in addition to
monitoring of strategic indicators.
During the cycle 1,311 employees
were transferred to new positions,
whether promotions or opportunities
in other areas.
In 2019/2020, we initiated a
succession program designed to
prepare leaders for our operations.
We have also systematized the
technical qualifications for the
operations. Using technology for
training purposes, we are striving
to obtain volume in courses and
absorption of content, as well as
capillarity, where training takes
place at the point of operation.
Digital content will be included in the
2020/2021 cycle.
Also on the operations side, we have
continued internal training sessions
in partnerships with specific suppliers
of equipment for the activities of the
sugar-ethanol industry. The highlight
of these partnerships is the one with
the institutions of the "S" System
(The National Industrial Apprentice
Service Senai, the Social Service for
Industry Sesi and the National Rural
Apprenticeship Service - Senar).
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