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Investor Presentaiton

Projects financed through IDF bonds Clean transportation Example: extension of a subway line, new bus line, new tramway line... Green buildings Example: build or renovation of a high school, build of higher education school... Renewable energy Example photovoltaic installation, heating network... Région îlede France Terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity conservation Example: renaturation of a river, opening a wood to the public... Access to essential services: health W Example: increasing the capacity of care units, support of medical-educational institutes... Access to essential services: social inclusion >90% Green projects <10% Social projects Example: improve the accessibility of infrastructures, support for vulnerable populations... 6-8 Access to essential services education Example: provide access to quality education infrastructure... Affordable housing Example: construction of student residences, social housing... Affordable basic infrastructures C Example: renovation of sport training centers, build of outdoor layout... Support for employment creation, prevention & fight against unemployment related to crises Example: support for research and innovation of SMES & MICS and the development of the territory's attractiveness... Through the competencies conferred on it by law, the Region's intervention is at the heart of the territory's economic, social and environmental development. Projects financed include : Environmental co-benefits, Or social co-benefits. Finance department - Investor presentation (January 2024) 40 40
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