Nevada Certified Investor Program
SEC Accredited Investor Rule: The Problem
SEC Rules for Private Investing do not serve Nevada
О Accredited Investors are permitted invest in private company investments
$1M net worth - outside of primary residence or
$200k+ annual W2 income (individual) or $300k (couple)
Accredited Investor Population = US National @ 8.75% vs Nevada @ 3.74%
"The rich get richer..." is true - and the gap is widening
Private investments are risky, but have high returns and create wealth
Protective intentions are admirable, but have unintended consequences
Nevada businesses are capital starved - compared to states with more Al's
Local investors fund local projects: 80+% of early private capital is local (within 37 miles)
Nevada businesses and investors are at a disadvantage
AB75 / 2023 Legislative SessionView entire presentation