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SpringOwl Activist Presentation Deck

Yahoo's Product on Snapchat Discover Was So Bad, Snapchat Fired Yahoo 6 months After Launch Snapchat Discover is one of the hottest new platforms for consuming news ▪ Yahoo was one of a precious few launch partners on Discover on January 27, 2015 Inexplicably, Yahoo decided to make Katie Couric the face of their Discover channel Jay Yarow of Business Insider immediately knew something was wrong¹ 10 days after the launch, Eric Jackson pointed out in Forbes that this was a terrible decision by Yahoo² ▪ 5 months later, Snapchat dropped Yahoo from Discover because the traffic was so low³ ■ ■ "This is not rocket science. What market research was done by Yahoo to determine Katie Couric should be the face of them on Snapchat?" - Eric Jackson, Feb 7, 2015, Forbes ▪ All the more embarrassing, the partner who replaced Yahoo on Discover - Buzzfeed - now gets 21% of its content traffic from Snapchat Discover4 Source: 1. https://twitter.com/ivarow/status/560097969475977216 2. http://www.forbes.com/sites/ericiackson/2015/02/07/why-is-katie-couric-doing-vahoo-news-on-snapchat-discover 3. http://adage.com/article/digital/snapchat-drops-vahoo-warner-music-discover/299682/ 4. http://www.businessinsider.com/buzzfeed-gets-21-of-its-traffic-from-snapchat-2015-9 Spring Owl! Asset Management LLC Note: Eric Jackson is a current employee of SpringOwl Asset Management LLC YAHOO! NEWS discover CNⒸ- A food REALLY? JUSTIN BIEBER IS REALLY SORRY FOR HIS BAD BEHAVIOUR. POLITES GETTING SNAPPY SORRY WITH RAND PAUL Kentucky Sen Rand Paul chatted with CNN about drones and 2016 in the first Snapchat interview with a US lawmaker Image: Google Images Confidential | For Discussion Purposes Only | 45
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