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Investor Presentaiton

mBank Group support for clients amid COVID-19 pandemic Solutions and offer for retail clients Loan moratoria mBank was the first bank in Poland which offered a loan repayment moratorium to its individual and SME clients on 16.03.2020. Under unified rules within the banking sector, clients can apply for deferring the repayment of the capital part of their instalments or the full instalment up to 6 months, with the simultaneous possibility of extending the loan period by the duration of the moratorium. Disbursed suspensions of monthly payments individual clients as of 30.06.2020 (PLN million) by loan type exposure & percentage of respective portfolio 13.8% total loans non-mortgage by residual maturity New digital solutions Opening an individual account via smartphone B M=month 6,296 900 expired Online mortgage loan process 6,296 1,283 10.7% loans 3,182 19.5% FX mortgage loans 4,701 X ≤ 3M 1,831 10.4% PLN mortgage loans 695 3M < X ≤ 6M Legislative moratoria amounted to PLN 1.9 million, equivalent of 0.03% of gross volume of total loan moratoria provided by the Group. A possibility to open an account from home. Neither visit to the branch nor a meeting with a courier who delivers documents are required. To complete this fully remote process, retail clients need only a smartphone, ID card and a short video ■ Customers can accept the agreement with a text message and an account is active after maximum one day Payment card can be used immediately mBank introduced a safe online mortgage process with only one visit in the branch needed. All the files are exchanged via special application. All the operations are performed from home via the phone and a dedicated application to send the documents ■ E-mails to the client are additionally secured with a password sent to the registered phone number The customer has to visit the branch only to sign the loan contract m mGroup Covered bonds Cover Pool Polish Economy Real Estate Market Legislation
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