Investor Presentaiton
the use of the appropriate PPE for the preparation of
the product and its correct form of application. These
professionals are also trained to provide the neces-
sary assistance, recommending the correct time of
application and the necessary doses of each product.
In addition to complying with legal requirements, the
company carries out actions aimed at society, distrib-
utors and the chemical industry. Examples of safety
and good practices in the field, such as the Cultivida
project, are detailed below.
GRI 417-1
The labels and package inserts of all IHARA products
are prepared in accordance with legal requirements,
offering information on the correct use, composition
and active ingredients, in addition to the indication of
environmental hazard and toxicity to health, all in ac-
cordance with Decree No. 4,074, of January 4, 2002,
Article 49.
Launched in 2012, the Cultivida project aims to guide
rural producers on the correct and safe use of pesti-
cides, in addition to disseminating good practices and
training public agents to identify and treat the health
conditions of the rural population. This important ini-
tiative by IHARA collaborates to reduce and mitigate
cases of contamination, intoxication and occupational
accidents related to pesticides in Brazil.
Between 2012 and 2016, Cultivida visited 20 munici-
palities in 13 Brazilian states, benefiting more than
8,000 people, including health agents and smallholder
farmers and their families. These people received im-
portant information through lectures and educational
and recreational actions related to good agricultur-
al practices, such as the use of personal protective
equipment (PPE), application technology, disposal of
empty packaging, use of pesticides and also other top-
ics family and women's health. Through a partnership
with the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Cul-
tivida also involved the training of health professionals
in the Unified Health System (SUS) in the regions, with
a total of 1,738 people trained in the five years of the
project. As of 2017, the Cultivida project entered the
distribution of PPE phase, with more than 600,000 PPE
delivered by 2020.
In line with its philosophy, principles and values, IHA-
RA is responsible for all stages involved in its produc-
tion chain, seeking sustainable solutions compatible
with each of its activities. One concern concerns the
environmentally correct disposal of post-consumer
crop protection product packaging, which is why IHA-
RA participates in the Campo Limpo System (SCL),
which is mainly financed by crop protection products
to enable reverse logistics of empty packaging or con-
taining post-consumer leftovers and coordinated by
inpEV ( In addition to being associated
with inpEV, IHARA is also part of the Institute's Board
of Directors.
The Campo Limpo System is an internationally rec-
ognized model of success. Through this program, we
give the correct destination for the packaging of agri-
cultural pesticides, avoiding negative impacts on the
environment due to inadequate disposal, which could
compromise the soil, surface water and groundwater.
With an environmentally appropriate destination of
94% of the commercialized plastic packaging, Brazil
has become a world reference in this area, accumu-
lating 600 thousand tons of recycled packaging since
2002, with 49.8 thousand tons, only in 2020. Through
its Sustainability program, IHARA aims to engage its
customers on environmental issues, through the elab-
oration of projects that combine reduction of environ-
mental impact, social and economic benefits.
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