Investor Presentaiton
Executive Summary
GE T&D India Limited
Annual Report 2022-23
Annual Report for Financial year 2022-2023 released -
available here
The sixty-seventh (67th) Annual General Meeting of the
members of GE T&D India Limited will be held on Monday,
the 21st day of August, 2023 at 3:00 PM (IST), through
Video Conferencing/ Other Audio Visual means
Q1 FY 23-24 Orders booking at 10.1 BINR vs 6.0 BINR in
Q1 FY 22-23, up by 68% YoY
Q1 FY 23-24 Sales at 7.2 BINR vs 5.9 BINR in Q1 FY 22-23,
up by 21% YOY
Q1 FY 23-24 Profit before tax & exceptional items at 386
MINR vs Profit before tax & exceptional Items of 103 MINR
in Q1 FY 23-24
Order backlog of 39.4 Billion
Net debt improved by 560 MINR in Q1 FY 23-24 (1,170
MINR vs 1,730 MINR in Q4'23)
O GE T&D India LimitedView entire presentation