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Investor Presentaiton

Sustainability: Targets and Strategy SD Targets Climate Change FY20 Actuals FY30 Improvement Targets GHG Emissions tCO₂e/MWh 0.76 0.215* 60% Water Security ■ Specific fresh water intake (m³/MWh) 1.10 0.591 46% Waste ■ Specific Waste (Ash) Generation (t/MWh) 0.070 0.032 54% ■ Waste Recycled - Ash 100 100 (%) JŚW SW Energy Strategic Initiatives and Approach ■ TCFD - Identified associated short tem, medium term and Long term risks ■ Supply Chain Sustainability - development of Digital Platform is in progress for value chain partners. ■ Increased share of renewable energy for decarbonization - Total capacity added till Q3 FY24-3,681 MW ☐ Maintaing zero liquid discharge across operations Optimising utilisation of rain water harvesting system ■ Installation of technology for operating cooling towers with higher Cycles of Concentration with modified chemical regime Reuse of treated effluent of Sewage Treatment Plan for horticulture Integrated Strategy towards efficient waste management - Ash Management, of waste water, handling hazardous waste through authorized recycler. ■ Utilisation of low ash coal in Ratnagiri and Vijayanagar ■ Re-utilisation of pond ash as well as Bottom ash in Boiler recycling 45000 MT Capacity Ash Silo constructed in Ratnagiti to export the Fly Ash through sea route to the prospective buyers in the International Markets. Specific process ☐ emissions(Kg/MWh) Ensuring ESP (Electrostatic Precipitator) Fields availability Air 0.16 0.053 67% PM ☐ Emissions 1.78 0.683 61% Optimising Lime dozing system efficiency SOX 1.01 63% ☐ Process efficiency improvements NOX 0.373 Achieve Biodiversity ■ Biodiversity at our operating sites 'no net loss' of biodiversity JSW Energy Corporate Presentation - Jan'24 Implementation of Bodiversity Assessment plan at our operating plants in a phasewise manner to achieve No Net Loss of Biodiversity by 2030. ■ Increased green cover across operations ☐ Implementation of Biodiversity Management plan at Barmer Plant. * Aligned with SBTi 12
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