Investor Presentaiton
from the Board
of Directors COM
2016 was a year marked by important events for the company.
The continued development of the E2 Programs in Commercial
Aviation and of the KC-390 Program in Defense and Security
has progressed successfully, and on track with the schedule
established for certification and entry into operations in 2018.
Significant changes were made to the Board of Executive
Officers, with the appointment of a new President and CEO,
Paulo Cesar de Souza e Silva, formerly the head of the
Commercial Aviation unit, the company's main business,
and the replacement of the General Counsel & Chief Com-
pliance Officer, with the hiring of Fabiana Klajner Leschzin-
er. Additionally, new leaders were selected for Commercial
and Executive Aviation, and the creation of a new business
unit was announced with a focus on Service and Support.
These changes aim to bring the company closer to final
customers and to increase the agility of the company's
decision-making process.
After six years of in-depth independent investigations and
the company's unrestricted collaboration, an agreement was
reached with Brazilian authorities (Federal Public Prosecutor
and the Securities and Exchange Commis-
sion) and U.S. authorities (Department of
Justice and the Securities and Exchange
Commission) due to certain irregularities
identified in four sales contracts, this past
decade. The company has greatly strength-
ened its Compliance and Internal Controls
Program and has implemented an ongoing
training program for ethics in relationships
with its business partners, both internal
and external. Additionally, important struc-
tural changes have been made over the
last few years, with the Compliance and
Internal Audit department now reporting
to the Board of Directors through the Au-
dit and Risk Committee. The company has
learned from these facts and is taking the
necessary steps to ensure that similar
events never happen again.
We look to the future with great optimism,
backed by a modern and competitive port-
folio of products in all business units, by
the satisfaction of our current customers,
by the level of governance achieved and by
the high quality of our employees.
Alexandre Gonçalves Silva
President of the Board of Directors
Israel Vainboim, Josué Christiano Gomes da Silva, Samir Zraick, Alexandre Gonçalves Silva, Sérgio Eraldo de Salles Pinto, Alexandre Magalhães
Filho, Cecília Mendes Garcez Siqueira, José Magno Resende de Araújo, João Cox Neto, Pedro Wongtschowski and Hebert Claros da Silva
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