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Investor Presentaiton

DTH beyond clean & green Dasbor Energi ▾ IPPU-> Pertanian▾ Kehutanan ▾ Limbah ▾ Kalkulasi Emisi Laporan ▾ Grafik▾ SIGN SMART Aplication ADMIN BLH PROVINSI JAWA BARAT▾ Tahun Inventori: 2018 Ihailand Bangkok กรุงเทพมหานคร Andaman Sea Province Energy IPPU Agriculture Forestry Waste ACEH 0,00 0.00 1.290.942.76 0,00 0.00 LULUIT South China Sea Vietnam Cambodia Gulf of Thailand SUMATERA UTARA 47.823.771,42 387.267.20 7.849.533.34 14.294.454.09 5.259.550.62 LJ BENGKULU 0.00 0.00 369.787.26 14.548.41 259.400.96 Philippines Panay JAMBI 1.275.309.93 0.00 1.403.924.92 17.428.394.34 494.632.13 Palawan Negros Mindanao Basilan Island RIAU 70.423.946.49 0.00 2.295.786.85 125.871.085.34 5.711.606,30 SUMATERA BARAT 0,00 4.324.599.07 515.258.81 664.852.19 Malaysia SUMATERA SELATAN 111.689.924.34 2.866.649,29 3.404.897.66 87.456.258.86 3.107.951.30 Celebes Sea LAMPUNG 0,00 0,00 945.189.20 0,00 0,00 Singapore KEP. BANGKA BELITUNG 0.00 0.00 38.217.00 0.00 28.750.01 KEP. RIAU 1.195.484,49 0.00 509.23 0,00 0.00 indonesia BANTEN 14.451.452.79 0.00 1.362.752.15 0.00 1.714.948.08 Sea Banda Sea N JAWA BARAT 5.710.960.57 11.765.815,49 20.878.556.91 479.491,82 41.995.306.34 Guinea Arafura Sea DKI JAKARTA 31.610.135,14 0,00 9.150.64 0,00 1.070.160,88 Timor Sea + JAWA TENGAH 60.308.518.86 3.331.718.17 23.246.648.32 -9.220.154,40 5.094.380.53 JAWA TIMUR 143.637.240.24 32.350.816.50 29.293.497.17 -12.680.861,77 DI YOGYAKARTA 2.468.690,23 266.246.60 1.808.468,08 -825.663.31 567.881.16 Google BALI 8.897.741,44 0,00 1.828.790.36 -742.497.24 495.933,62 Map data ©2021 Google, SK telecom 500 km Terms of Use NUSA TENGGARA BARAT 0.00 0.00 1.299.936.19 0.00 272.599.73 CATATAN: Emisi yang ditampilkan di dashboard di-update setiap malam (tidak real-time). Jika Anda melakukan kalkulasi hari ini, maka akan muncul di dashboard keesokan harinya. NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR 0.00 0.00 370.293,11 0.00 0,00 National greenhouse gas inventory activities from the energy, waste, transportation, agriculture and forestry sectors are carried out in the SIGN SMART Application that can be access by all local government
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