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Investor Presentaiton

Fair value measured 12/31/2020 based on Prices quoted in Valuation supported by an active market Note (Level 1) observable prices (Level 2) Fair value Assets Cash and cash equivalents 9 4,418 5,365 Financial investments 10 1,279 4,419 Derivative financial instruments (i) 6.1.1 (a) 2,166 9,783 5,698 2,166 Derivative financial instruments - put option Financial instruments - shares 13 252 2,590 252 2,590 5,697 14,792 20,489 Liabilities Borrowing (i) 20 16,633 13,377 30,010 Derivative financial instruments (i) To rent 6.1.1 (a) 2,923 2,923 21 858 858 Confirming payables 2,380 2,380 19,538 36,171 16,633 (i) The fair value of these financial instruments takes into account the credit risk of the Company and its subsidiaries, and the value of the change in the fair value of the fi- nancial liability that is attributable to changes in credit risk is recorded in equity in other comprehensive income. If the classification of credit risk in other comprehensive income creates or increases the accounting mismatch in the result, the entity must present all gains or losses in the income for the year. The accumulated amount of changes in credit risk remains in other comprehensive income until the settlement of the financial instrument, when they are reclassified to retained earnings, without affecting the income. 6.1.3. Sensitivity analysis The main risk factors affecting the pricing of cash and cash equivalents, financial investments, loans and financing and derivative financial instru- ments are exposed to the fluctuation in the US Dollar, Euro, Turkish Lira, New Peruvian Sun, Argentine Peso and Bolivian interest rates, CDI, IPCA, TJLP, LIBOR, US Dollar coupon, commodity prices and electricity purcha- se and sale contracts. The scenarios for these factors are prepared using both market sources and specialized sources of information, in line with the Company's governance. The scenarios as at December 31, 2021 are described below: Scenario I - Considers a shock to the market curves and quotations at December 31, 2021, according to the base scenario defined by manage- ment as at March 31, 2022; - Scenario II Considers a shock of + or - 25% in the market curves at December 31, 2021; Scenario III - Considers a shock of + or - 50% in the market curves at December 31, 2021. 138 =
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