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Investor Presentaiton

In Central America this is done through a Committee on Social Responsibility, consisting of seven key leaders for the business and who meet twice a year. Community support consists of contributing financial and in-kind resources and promoting volunteerism. The company has guidelines for granting support and transparency and anti-corruption mechanisms that ensure compliance with the purpose for which said support is granted. Donation policies and processes include the following: • • • • Open call on line, once a year for a defined period of time, with guidelines regarding the causes and the desired social impact, the type of not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations that are eligible and a defined period of time for receiving projects on line. Project evaluation by a pre-selection committee, consisting of members from academia, the business world and Walmart associates who do not work for the Foundation. Special compliance review concerning applicable laws. Review and selection by majority vote for projects deemed the best by the Pre-Selection Committee, and by the Board of Directors for the Walmart de México Foundation. Contract-writing processes, with clauses that include anti-corruption measures, references on the recipient to ensure authorization to receive donations, clauses on project development, compliance with objectives, and follow-up. Follow-up process for indicators through an electronic system, and visits in person. • In the case of in-kind donations, the selection of the recipient is based on the capacity to pick-up in-kind donations at assigned unit(s), as well as the capacity to generate a greater social impact as per programs and list of beneficiaries. Also covered are points regarding information, special reviews on compliance with any and all applicable legislation, contracts and clauses that include anti- corruption measures, and visits in person. The electronic control system for donations allows for obtaining information relative to the institution and the project, and the social impact indicators. There are restrictions for company users, which prohibit changing the data provided by the institution receiving the help, and also disallowing said institution to alter the information once the project has been approved, or from allowing it to change its own reports once they have been delivered, pursuant to contract clauses. In Central America, the process is overseen by Corporate Affairs department, as per the same anticorruption measures, contracts and project follow-up. Fundac 2013 Financial and Social Responsibility Report 49 49
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