Investor Presentaiton
Executive summary - Bajaj Finance Limited
SME Business
USD 1 = 74 INR
Offers unsecured working capital loans to SME and self-employed professionals
Secured offerings include enterprise loans against property and financing against used car
Focused on affluent SMEs (average sales of $2 to $3 MM) with established financials & demonstrated borrowing track record
• Offers short, medium- and long-term financing to mid market corporates
Focused on auto component, pharma, specialty chemicals, financial institution groups, lease rental discounting and top 500 mid
corporate clients in India
Credit Quality
Credit Rating
Strategy is to create a balanced mix of wholesale and retail borrowings with a focus on long term borrowings
Borrowings stood at $13,495 MM with a mix of 47%:22%:26%:5% between money markets, banks, deposits & ECB as of 31 March
⚫ Gross and Net NPA as of 31 March 2021 stood at 2.21% and 0.91% respectively
Provisioning coverage ratio as of 31 March 2021 was 59%
Provisioning coverage on stage 1 & 2 stood at 208 bps as of 31 March 2021 versus 218 bps as of 31 December 2020.
⚫ Credit rating for long term borrowing is AAA/Stable by CRISIL, ICRA, CARE & India Ratings
• Credit rating for short term borrowing is A1+ by CRISIL, ICRA & India Ratings
• Credit rating for FD program is FAAA/Stable by CRISIL & MAAA (Stable) by ICRA
Long term issuer credit rating of BB+/Stable and short-term rating of B by S&P Global
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