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Investor Presentaiton

Figure 17: National and specialty/mail order pharmacies were reimbursed more than independent pharmacies for most drugs tested $6.50 $4.50 $2.50 $0.50 ($1.50) ($3.50) Eliquis Independent National chain Acetaminophen Omeprazole Specialty/mail order Metformin Flovent Amoxicillin Basaglar Source: Auditor analysis of OHA and PBM 2021 claims data and National and Oregon Average Acquisition Cost data Long wait times, low pharmacy density, and unfair pharmacy reimbursements pose access issues for all people in Oregon, not just Medicaid patients. Oregon's Legislature should enact legislation prioritizing fair and consistent reimbursement for community pharmacies. "A little over a month ago our pharmacy got a desperate call from a woman from Madras. It was late on Friday and her husband had been prescribed... a critical medicine to keep him out of the hospital. She went to the only chain pharmacy open in town and they told her it would be Monday before they could fill it. You see, both Bi-Mart and Hometown drugs had closed. Their pharmacy business was booming but their reimbursements were too low to stay open. The remaining chain pharmacy in town was so overwhelmed their wait times were measured in days. She called two chain pharmacies in Redmond and could not get anyone to answer the phone. Again, reimbursements are too low to keep adequate staffing, even to answer the phone. Then she called us. We told her to come right away as it was close to closing and when she arrived, we quickly filled the prescription. She had lots of questions and health care concerns, as she had not been able to speak to a pharmacist since Hometown drugs had closed. When she left it was 30 minutes after closing and we felt happy that we had helped someone in need that day. I then checked my reimbursement and found that I got paid $26 below my acquisition price for that drug. This is not the value of the service we provided that night. Independent pharmacies, in particular, have an important value to their communities, and they should be paid fairly for that value." Kevin Russell, RPh, MBA, BCACP, Director of pharmacy at Prescryptive Health, oral legislative testimony in support of HB3013 2023 regular session Other states require PBMs to disclose certain information to better assess their value and increase transparency A lack of transparency in PBM processes has led many states to implement laws requiring PBMs to disclose certain pricing and cost information. Information disclosed includes aggregated data on Oregon Secretary of State | Report 2023-25 | August 2023 | page 23
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