Strategy to Drive Stockholder Value
Primerica's Licensed Sales Force
Licensing Progression
101,000 (1)
Life Insurance
First obtain a Life
Insurance License
78,000 Life only
• 74,000 U.S. Reps
• 4,000 Canadian Reps
Obtain mutual fund
license after success
selling life insurance &
building a business
Become Investment
Advisor reps after success
in ISP business
(1) As of June 30, 2015
6 Years
4 Years
23,000 Mutual Fund
Licensed Representatives
• 17,000 in U.S.
9 Years
• 6,000 in Canada
2,800 Investment
Advisor reps who sell
managed accounts
14 Years
• Largely part-time representatives
• Responsible for 50% of life insurance
policies issued in 2014
⚫Top 1,000 U.S. ISP reps personally produced 52% of U.S. ISP
sales but only 6% of U.S. issued life insurance policies in 2014
On average their combined income from personal activity and
overrides was 2/3 ISP income and 13 life insurance income in 2014
•Remaining 16,000 U.S. ISP reps are largely part-time
They personally produced 42% of U.S. issued life insurance
policies and 48% of ISP sales in 2014
On average their combined income from personal activity and
overrides was 1/3 ISP income and 3 life insurance income in 2014
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