2022 Interim Results - Debt Investor Presentation slide image

2022 Interim Results - Debt Investor Presentation

Capital ratios remain strong RWAs €46.2bn 16.0% Bank of Ireland 2022 Interim Results - Debt Investor Presentation Fully Loaded CET1 ratio 60bps (10bps) (30bps) 20bps (80bps) RWAS €47.3bn (10bps) 15.5% Dec-21 Net organic capital¹ Credit impairment RWA² Foreseeable distribution Pension Other Davy transaction Jun-22 deduction Headroom to 2022 CET1 regulatory capital requirements Dec 2022 regulatory capital requirements (excl P2G) 15.5% 10.07% 16.0% Jun-22 Fully Loaded CET1 Ratio Jun-22 Regulatory CET1 Ratio c.590bps headroom Strong capital position driven by organic capital generation Substantial buffer (c.590bps) to regulatory capital requirements Davy acquisition completed in H1; sufficient capital available for the acquisition of the KBCI portfolios (c.120bps) expected to complete by end Q1 2023 RWAS increased by c.€1.1bn, primarily reflecting loan book mix Target CET1 ratio of >13.5% reflects increased countercyclical buffers Foreseeable distribution accrual at c.50% of FY 21 levels; final full year distribution decision to be taken with FY 22 results 1 Net organic capital generation primarily consists of attributable profit and movements in regulatory deductions excluding impairment. H1 22 includes transformation investment previously excluded from organic capital; H1 21 net organic capital generation of 60bps on a like-for-like basis 2 RWA movements from changes in loan book mix, asset quality and movements in other RWAS Bank of Ireland 23
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