Capital First Strategy, Loan Growth and Profitability Trends slide image

Capital First Strategy, Loan Growth and Profitability Trends

Section 4: CASA Ratio has improved rapidly over last quarters since merger to reach 48.31% CASA Ratio is computed in terms of CASA as a percentage of Total deposits (CASA+ Certificate of Deposits+ Term Deposits). Consistent growth in CASA and decreasing dependency on Certificate of Deposits and Wholesale Term Deposit has helped the Bank to improve its CASA ratio significantly. CASA Total Deposits STRONG GROWTH IN CASA RATIO 40.37% 33.74% 31.87% 48.31% 24.06% 18.70% 14.57% 11.40% 8.68% 31 Mar 20 30 Jun 20 31 Dec 18 31 Mar 19 30 Jun 19 30 Sep 19 31 Dec 19 30 Sep 20 31 Dec 20 Note: The figure as of 31 Dec 2020 is excluding CASA deposits of Rs. 332 crore from NHB which was raised under special high rate scheme. This has now been reduced at our standard rack rate. The Bank now has no special schemes for large ticket saving balance and in fact disincentivises such large deposits by keeping the interest offering low. Including this, the CASA to total deposits ratio would have been 48.51%. Section 4: Update on Liabilities 43 IDFC FIRST Bank
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