Malayan Banking Berhad Financial Analysis slide image

Malayan Banking Berhad Financial Analysis

Note: Segmental Performance of Businesses: FY2022 (1/2) Net Operating Income 25,448 +8.5% 27,615 Group Global Banking FY2021: 9,848 +3.7% FY2022: 10,216 +9.1% (23.3)% (13.7)% RM million PPOP RM million +16.5% 16,369 14,053 8,173 8,919 1,555 1,193 120 103 Total Group Community Financial Services Group Corporate Banking Group Investment Banking Group Asset Management & Global Markets +6.3% 14,808 13,930 Total +19.0% +8.7% 7,845 6,592 6,258 6,799 Group Global Banking +3.1% FY2021: 6,798 FY2022: 7,011 (68.1)% (>100)% FY2021 FY2022 ■FY2021 (14.7)% 1,908 1,628 Group Insurance & Takaful FY2022 (38.9)% 566 181 (26) 30 30 901 550 Group Community Financial Services Group Corporate Banking Group Investment Banking Group Asset Management & Global Markets Group Insurance & Takaful Net income & PPOP for Group includes "Head Office & Others" expenditure of RM360.4 million for FY2021 and RM597.7 million for FY2022 24
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