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Investor Presentaiton

MAN DEFORESTASI INDONES SONA LAPORAN DXPOR AUGNTORMER SEDAR 5.4 Curbing the Rate of Deforestation Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030 will be reached once emission levels from the forestry and other land use sector has been properly managed. Curbing the rate of deforestation makes up a way to reduce the emission level. Data from the National Forest Monitoring System (SIMONTANA) show that Indonesia's deforestation rate has continued to decline during President Joko Widodo's administration. During 2019-2020, the Country made good performance in curbing the rate of deforestation to the lowest point in history. It was 115.46 thousand ha, down by 75.03 percent against the 2018-2019 deforestation rate which reached 462.46 thousand ha. The corrective actions that have been taken by Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya since 2014 have undeniably had an impact on the performance. One landmark corrective action is permanent moratorium on new forest concessions in primary forests and peatlands. The policy was previously to postpone new forest concession, and then it was upgraded to permanent moratorium through the Presidential Instruction No. 5 of 2019 on Termination of the Issuance of New Licenses and Governance Improvement of Primary Forests and Peatlands. Siti Nurbaya signs a forest cover map as a result of the National Forest Monitoring System (SIMONTANA) at the Auditorium Dr. Soedjarwo, Manggala Wanabakti. Referring to SIMONTANA, national deforestation continues to decrease as a result of various government policies including moratorium on primary forests and peatland permits; moratorium on new oil palm plantation permits; and the gazettement of forest area. (Jakarta, 29 January 2018) 80 80 MANCIAL WE Jakarta 29 Jan 201 President Joko Widodo inspects the canal blockages constructed by local communities in Sungai Tohor village, Tebing Tinggi Subdistrict. The canal blockages are able to prevent peatlands from draining process, thereby reducing the risk of fires. (Meranti, Riau, 27 November 2014) 5.5 Building Sustainable Peatland Ecosystems Another corrective action that has been carried out since 2014 by Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya is sustainable peatland management. Since peatlands are the world's largest natural carbon store on land and a vital nature-based solution to climate change, Minister Siti Nurbaya place them as one of main pillars in Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030. Drained and extracted peatlands for farming or forestry has increased the risk of carbon emissions; on the other hand, well managed peatlands will expand vegetation cover and increase carbon LIFAD sequestration, which in turn will affect the nation's economy and welfare. Consistent enforcement of the Government Regulation (PP) No. 71 of 2014 amended by PP No. 57 of 2016, on the Protection and Management of Peat Ecosystems or so-called PP Gambut, followed up by the issuance of its implementing regulations are critical to sustainable peatland management. The regulations provide guidance for the sustainable use of peatlands. Peat domes within peatland ecosystems has to be protected, or if it has been damaged it has to be restored, particularly its vital role in regulating water balance. Production activities are still allowable within the cultivation INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF PEATLAND ECOSYSTEM: SHARING EXPERIENCES AND LESSON LEARNT FROM INDONESIA Riau - Indonesia, December 13th. 15th 2022 Dokumenta Yayasan Penp areas with water levels lower than 0.4 meters from the ground surface. As a result, as of September 2021 approximately 3.6 million ha of peatlands within concession areas and 45,950 ha within community lands had been successfully restored. The measures of peatland restoration are getting stronger with close collaboration between the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and the Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM). Indonesia shares experiences and lessons learned on peatlands restoration to the representatives of 14 countries and various international institutions at the International Workshop on Protection and Management of Peatland Ecosystem. Indonesia becomes global center of attention for the success in those carbon rich land protection and management during the last few years. (Pekanbaru, Riau, 13 December 2022) 81
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