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Investor Presentaiton

Annexure A Profitability Statement (Consolidated) INR mn Q2FY2022 Q1FY2023 Q2FY2023 H1FY2022 H1FY2023 Gross Revenue 10,339 14,440 15,884 19,530 30,324 Less: Revenue Share 730 4,137 4,622 1,596 8,759 Net Revenue 9,609 10,303 11,262 17,934 21,565 Total Expenditure 4,644 6,018 6,535 9,404 12,553 EBITDA 4,965 4,285 4,727 8,530 9,012 EBITDA margin 52% 42% 42% 48% 42% Other Income 922 1,974 1,637 1,814 3,611 Interest & Finance Charges 5,195 5,171 5,614 9,669 10,785 Depreciation 2,107 2,191 2,547 4,151 4,738 PBT before exceptional items (1,414) (1,103) (1,797) (3,477) (2,900) Exceptional Income/(Expense) (3,252) (3,252) PBT (4,666) (1,103) (1,797) (6,728) (2,900) Tax 662 260 295 211 555 Profit after Tax (PAT) (5,328) (1,362) (2,093) (6,939) (3,455) Add: Share in Profit / (Loss) of JVS / Associates PAT from Continuing Operations 311 (5,017) 232 (1,130) (1,950) 142 122 375 (6,818) (3,080) Add: Profit/ (Loss) from Discontinued Operations 3,325 1,947 Add: Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) 528 (3,627) (4,762) 197 (8,389) Total Comprehensive Income (1,164) (4,757) (6,712) (4,674) (11,469) Less: Minority Interest (MI) (1,612) (1,556) (6,796) (2,117) (8,352) Total Comprehensive Income (Post MI) 447 (3,202) 84 (2,557) (3,117) GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 34
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