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Investor Presentaiton

Expanding the ecosystem 90 Return AS 12:30 Ben-vindo :) Todos seus beneficios em um Ășnico lugar ben A Customer base EOE monetization Business expansion Innovation and technology Management and securitization of non-performing assets. Return, a management and securitization of non-performing assets company, reached a Shareholders' Equity of R$ 2.4 billion in the quarter. We have begun exploring cross-sell opportunities among emdia, Return and the Bank, leveraging the bank's flow and the extensive reach of our businesses. Thinking about the customers' journey, we continue to invest in the development of systems and websites, with simpler and more intuitive journeys. emdia, a debt renegotiation company, offers customers the possibility of renegotiating their debts both through human assistance and online, available to our customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In this quarter, we increased operations with existing customers (+18%), in addition to acquiring new customers (+24%) through the connection between Return, emdia and the Bank, as previously mentioned, resulting in an increase in customer interactions. To better serve our customers, we launched our new website with several improvements in self-service debt renegotiation. ben INVESTOR RELATIONS em dia Corporate benefits and expense management company. In the semester, we reached a turnover of R$ 1.3 billion, an increase by 12% YoY, and 921 thousand cards issued, a growth of 29% YoY. In addition, we have 416 thousand accredited establishments (+10% YoY) and 2.7 thousand HR customers. [email protected] 0800 286 8484 FAQ 111 emodia O seu scors & 900 20 20
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