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Investor Presentaiton

Cloudy day Sunny day Pressure (hPa) Pressure (hPa) Inversion layer height The secondary circulation in the boundary layer 650 700 (a) 2017-12-12 14 (b) 2017 10 12 14 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 925 1000 925 1000 102°E 104°E 106°E 108°E 102°E 104°E 106°E 108°E (c) 2017-12-16 14 Boundary layer height Pressure (hPa) (d) 2017-12-17 14 550 550 600 600 650 650 700 700 750 750 800 800 850 850 925 925 1000 1000 102°E 104°E 106°E 108°E 102°E 104°E 106°E 177777 Temperature (°C) -20-18-16-14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 108°E was stronger on sunny days than on cloudy days. This stronger secondary circulation increased the wind shear and turbulent mixing and provided the energy required to 10ms increase hmax Fig. 11. West-east vertical cross-sections of temperature (shading; units: °C) and wind vectors (synthesized by u and w) through the Sichuan Basin (30.75° N) on sunny days at (a) 14:00 BST on December 12, 2019, (b) 08:00 BST on December 13, 2017 and on cloudy days at (c) 14:00 BST on December 16, 2017 and (d) 14:00 BST on December 17, 2017. The vertical velocity is multiplied by 100 when plotting the wind vectors. The most polluted area is marked by red dots. The gray shading represents the terrain. The solid line represents the base of the inversion layer and the red dotted line represents max. This area is not clearly visible.
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