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Investors' Presentation

ESG continues at the core of EDPR, with YoY evolution reflecting acceleration of growth edp renewables Environment Climate Change Circularity (2) Biodiversity CO2 avoided (1) 13mt CO₂ emitted/avoided 0.2% Waste 38kg/GWh Recovery rate 76% Spills & fires (3) 0 -1% vs 9M20 Flat vs 9M20 +11% vs 9M20 -1pp vs 9M20 0 in 9M20 Social Our People Health & Safety (4) Near misses 56 51 in 9M20 Communities Flat vs 9M20 Social investment €1.1m -28% vs 9M20 Headcount 2,099 Women 32% Frequency rate (5) 1.7 Severity rate (6) 64 A2E (7) €5m +23% vs 9M20 +1.5pp vs 9M20 Flat vs 9M20 -3% vs 9M20 1. Calculated as energy generation * CO2 eq. emission factors of each country/state within the US (which vary in accordance with the country/state's energy mix); 2. Excludes waste caused by non-recurrent events; 3. EDPR defines significant spills and fires as spills affecting water bodies/courses, protected soils or soils of interest because of its natural value, or fires affecting protected areas or species (according to local protection laws), derived from O&M activities; 4. Includes staff and contractors data; Excludes commuting and 1Q20 UK data; 5. Calculated as [# of accidents with absence/Hours worked * 1,000,000]; 6. Adjusted rate (excl. lost days from 2020 accidents), calculated as [# of Lost workdays/Hours worked *1,000,000]; 7. Cumulative investment. 42
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