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Investor Presentaiton

0 2 4 14 12 10 10 80 6 Ministerio de Hacienda - Gobierno de Chile Policy measures such as commercial loans with state guarantees support continue to support the flow of credit in the economy FOGAPE: Cumulative Placements through November 6th USD Billion Commercial Loans during Recessions in Chile Cumulative annual percent change with respect to month 0 8-May 15-May 22-May 29-May 5-Jun 12-Jun 19-Jun 26-Jun 3-Jul ■Small ■Medium ■Large Very Large 10-Jul 17-Jul 24-Jul 31-Jul 7-Aug 14-Aug 21-Aug 28-Aug 4-Sep 11-Sep 18-Sep 25-Sep 2-Oct 9-Oct 16-Oct 23-Oct 30-Oct Small (0-25,000UF), Medium (25,000-100,000UF), Large (100,000-600,000UF), Very Large (600,000- 1,000,000UF) Source: Ministry of Finance based on data from the Financial Market Commission. ΛΟΝ-9 -5 10 10 5 LO 0 15 4 3 2 1 -10 Asian crisis GFC Covid-19 (without fogape) Source: Central Bank of Chile based on data from the Financial Market Commission*. * Month 0 is the first month with negative IMACEC interanual print. Covid-19 7
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