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Investor Presentaiton

WATER AND SUPPORTING INFRASTRUCTURE Abundant water supply and contracted power Water supply Water sourced from onsite and offsite locations including imported water from various licenses 11 water licenses from Forbes - 6.5GL annual water consumption in 2022 supplied with 2GL from external sources and 4.5GL from recycled onsite water storage facilities Power requirements - Site demand is relatively constant at ~32MW and there is sufficient infrastructure and supply agreements in place to serve current demand The high voltage (HV) installation for NPM is connected to Essential Energy's (state owned) network via a 132kV feeder, emanating from the Transgrid's (operator) 132/66kV substation located in the township of Parkes Power infrastructure and water supply Northparkes Mines NPM Switch N 132kv HV Distribution lines Parkes to Site To Dubbo Northparkes Pipe Line Parkes To Orange Forbes Bore Field Lachlan River, 10km Eugowra Emissions Northparkes' current total emissions are ~215,000 TCO2-e / Annum consisting of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions Evolution MINING HV Switch Parkes, NSW 6kms 36
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