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Investor Presentaiton

HSBC receives firm offer for regional banks in France Seven regional banks: Société Marseillaise de Crédit (SMC) Banque Chaix Banque Marze Banque de Savoie Banque Dupuy de Parseval Banque Pelletier Crédit Commercial du Sud-Ouest (CCSO) SMC Société Marseillaise de Crédit LA BANQUE DU SUD Banque de Savoie RÉGIONALE RESOLUMENT Banque Pelletier Fondée en 1971 BANQUE CHAIX. BM BANQUE MARZE 華 BANQUE DUPUY, DE PARSEVAL Fondée en 184 CREDIT COMMERCIAL DU SUD-OUEST Key figures (aggregate): - Total assets: EUR8 380 million Equity: EUR564 million O Profit after tax: EUR100 million Staff: 2,950 employees 400 branches • Potential buyer: Banque Fédérale des Banques Populaires • Terms of the offer: EUR2 100 million, ie PE 07 = 21x and BV 07 = 3.7x • Future: in France, we have significant opportunities in Global Banking and Markets, Private Banking, Asset Management, Insurance, Personal Financial Services, especially Premier, and Commercial Banking, through our HSBC-branded retail network. The more international nature of these businesses fits our stated strategy to focus our developed market operations on international connectivity HSBC 10 10
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