Malayan Banking Berhad Financial Analysis slide image

Malayan Banking Berhad Financial Analysis

Specific Asset Exposures as at 31 December 2022 Oil & Gas Loan and Fixed Income Securities Exposures to Non-Retail Borrowers Country Exposure Borrowers' Status Malaysia 2.23% Singapore 0.85% Maybank Group 3.47% 76% Normal 5% Watchlist Indonesia 0.25% Others 0.13% 1% Special Mention 19% GIL Note: Exposures is for loans and fixed income securities, with base including Group gross loans and corporate bonds and sukuk. Funded-only loans exposure is 1.59% of Group gross loans Real Estate Loan Exposure to Non-Retail Malaysian Borrowers RM29.2 billion 8.05% of Malaysia Gross Loans 24.6% High Rise Residential 16.2% Landed Residential 18.3% Malls 6.2% Offices 6.6% Hotels 28.1% Others ESG Vulnerable Sectors Loan Exposure to RSME and Non-Retail Borrowers Borrowers' Status 2.02% 0.69% 3.08% 0.04% 0.34% Palm Oil Forestry & Logging Oil & Gas Mining (Minerals) Coal Funded 1.93 0.64 1.66 0.04 0.29 Non-Retail 1.88 0.53 1.59 0.03 0.29 75% Normal 20% Watchlist 28% is from high rise residential 40% is from malls, hotels and offices 1% Special Mention Account 4% GIL 31% is from high rise residential 30% is from malls and hotels RSME 0.05 0.11 0.07 0.01 0.00 Note: Non-Funded 0.09 0.05 1.42 0.00 0.05 • Funded-only loans exposure is 7.55%. . Exposures exclude unrated bonds % of Group Gross Loans • 'Others' include Land, Industrial Buildings & Factories, Other Residential, Other Commercial and REITS 37
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