Sustainability Report 2021 Vivara
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We stood out in the annual Latin Amer-
ica Executive Team survey conducted
by the Institutional Investor. The survey
gathers opinions from analysts, invest-
ment managers, and executives from
financial institutions worldwide to pick
the best investor relations initiatives,
the best IR professionals in each sector
and region, and the best environmental,
social, and governance practices and
strategies. We stood out in the catego-
ries of Best Investor Relations Program,
Best IR Professional, and Best ESG
Strategy in the Retail Small Caps sector.
In the overall industry ranking, we were
placed sixth among Latin American re-
tail companies and third among Brazil-
ian retail companies.
Vivara has 42% of its outstanding
shares diluted and 58% held by the
controlling group shareholders, with
236,197,769 common shares listed in
the Novo Mercado, the highest level of
Corporate Governance of B3 - Brasil,
Bolsa e Balcão S.A. (B3), under the tick-
er VIVA3. At the end of 2021, we had
39,770 shareholders in our sharehold-
ing base, a 27.1% increase since the
IPO in October 2019, consisting mainly
of individuals.
In 2021, the capital market was also af-
fected by the uncertainties caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic. Being in a highly
penalized sector, VIVA3 shares devalued
by 10.5% (adjusted for corporate events),
while the Ibovespa index declined 11.8%,
reaching the market value of R$6.1 bil-
lion on December 30. Average daily fi-
nancial trading volume of Vivara shares
was R$30.9 million in 2021.
Vivara shares are included in the fol-
lowing eight B3 indices:
IBRA (Brazil Broad-Based Index), ICON
(Consumer Stock Index), IGCT (Cor-
porate Governance Trade Index), IGCX
(Special Corporate Governance Stock
Index), IGNM (Novo Mercado Corporate
Governance Index), INDX (Industrials
Index), ITAG (Special Tag-Along Stock
Index), and SMLL (Small Cap Index).
We know that all of our results for our
customers, investors, and society de-
pend on the dedication of our teams.
In this sense, we seek to provide fair
and healthy work environments, creat-
ing processes that meet our strategic
goals and provide positive experiences
for employees. These aspects became
even more important in a year of Vivara's
strong expansion, where we increased
our workforce by 21%. Especially at the
factory, this increase was 50%.
With confidence in our values, we contin-
ued to invest in people, maximizing their
opportunities and always ensuring san-
itary conditions for the performance of
their duties with safety and recognition.
Throughout 2021 we reassessed our
people plan, which becomes better
structured in 2022. We reshaped pro-
cesses, such as the career and succes-
sion cycle, to create meritocracy win-
dows within the company, opportunities
for internal development and external
talent attraction programs. More than
half of the current sales managers were
promoted internally.
We focus on continuous improvement
to pursue the increase of our employ-
ee satisfaction index (eNPS), measured
based on criteria aligned to renowned
methodologies and certifications, eval-
uating aspects related to work environ-
ment, organizational atmosphere, and
people management. Seeking to reduce
our turnover, a challenge in the retail
sector, we carry out monthly follow-ups
with clippings and stratification to find
root causes. In this way, we can discard
seasonality effects and establish ac-
tions considering specific publics.
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