SDG Investor Map - Seychelles 2023
Sustainable Aquaculture Production
Business Model
Set up and operate sustainable aquaculture farms and sea-
ranching, in onshore and offshore areas, for the cultivation
of high-value species such as snappers, groupers and other
Development Need
Fish is the major contributor to dietary protein, accounting
for 35-40% of total protein consumed.
The industrial and semi-industrial commercial fishing
sectors are subject to quota due to depleting resources.
The fisheries sector is unlikely to maintain the current fish
consumption rate, without diversifying production and
improving productivity.
Emerging Potential
The new Broodstock Acclimation and Quarantine Facility
(BAQF) was inaugurated at the Providence Fishing Port in
2019 to accommodate commercial fish species such as
grouper and red snapper.
BAQF can serve as a foundation for further integration into
an aquaculture research and development facility, where a
specialized hatchery will be established.
Market Momentum
Aquaculture farms and related infrastructure are currently
developed by the Government of Seychelles.
High investment and research costs, and land space
requirements associated with aquaculture, evidence the
need for public sector intervention during the infancy of
the sector.
Once piloted, it should commercialize, improving the food
security and fishery value chain in Seychelles.
SDG Investor Map - Seychelles 2023
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