Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
PMES and Emerging giants in Brasil
I COVID 19 and Startups
Amid a pandemic scenario, startups are proving that the industry as a whole is resilient
in times of crisis. These companies show an effective solution and this is very attractive
as new investment models, according to Tiago Ávila, leader of the market intelligence
center in the District.
Therefore, there were some identified Challenges faced such as:
Initially, startups were very concerned about cash flow,
• Expense containment and focus on the most important business lines from the point
of view of generating value for the company;
• Some startups laid off and/or froze new contractions during the pandemic;
• Impact varying according to each sector and business model of the startup.
Businesses such as edtechs and healthtechs gained prominence, while tourism
startups, for example, were negatively affected;
Reviews of investment/allocation plans, considering the uncertainty scenario;
• Focus on customer retention and churn control.
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