Investor Presentation December 2021
The case for natural gas
Abundant and domestic
The U.S. has 3,374 Tcf of
future natural gas supply,
more than 110 years worth
The U.S. natural gas
transmission and distribution
system (2.6M miles of
underground pipeline) is the
safest and most reliable way
to deliver energy
Direct use of natural gas is a
more efficient energy: 91% vs
36% for generation from
converting natural gas or
other fossil fuels to electricity
Safe and reliable
Efficient and economical
Better for the environment
U.S. households using natural gas
for heating, cooking and clothes
drying, rather than electricity,
save nearly $900 per year
Residential natural gas usage
accounts for less than 5% of
total U.S. GHG emissions
21 Spire | Investor presentation December 2021
Forced electrification could
cause the average U.S.
household's energy-related
costs to increase by
$700-$900 per year
Switching from coal to natural
gas for electric generation has
already reduced GHG
emissions by 53% on average
The cost of electrification to
the U.S. economy through
2035 is $590B-$1.2T
Increased use of natural gas is
the main driver of the power
sector's CO2 emissions reaching
a 27-year low
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