Investor Presentaiton
Assets 90+ days past
Australian Banking
Average assets
Business lending
Capital ratios
Cash Earnings
Common Equity
Tier 1 Capital
Assets 90+ days past due consist of well-secured assets that are more than
90 days past due and portfolio-managed facilities that are not well secured
and between 90 and 180 days past due.
Australia Banking offers a range of banking products and services to retail and
business customers ranging from small and medium enterprises through to
some of Australia's largest institutions. Australia Banking comprises the
Personal Banking and Business Banking franchises, Fixed Income,
Currencies and Commodities (FICC), Capital Financing, Asset Servicing and
Represents the average of assets over the period adjusted for disposed
operations. Disposed operations include any operations that will not form part
of the continuing Group. These include operations sold and those which have
been announced to the market that have yet to reach completion.
Banking operations include the Group's:
- Retail and Non-Retail deposits, lending and other banking services in
Australian Banking, NZ Banking and NAB Wealth
- Wholesale operations comprising Global Capital Markets and Treasury,
Specialised Finance and Financial Institutions business within Australian
Banking, and
- NAB UK CRE operations and Group Funding within Corporate Functions and
Lending to non-retail customers including overdrafts, asset and lease
financing, term lending, bill acceptances, foreign currency loans, international
and trade finance, securitisation and specialised finance.
As defined by APRA under APS111 - Capital Adequacy: Measurement of
Capital (unless stated otherwise).
Refer to page 2, Section 1 - Profit Reconciliation of 2016 Full Year Results
Announcement for information about, and the definition of cash earnings.
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital is recognised as the highest quality
component of capital. It is subordinated to all other elements of funding,
absorbs losses as and when they occur, has full flexibility of dividend
payments and has no maturity date. It is predominately comprised of common
shares; retained earnings; undistributed current year earnings; as well as
other elements as defined under APS111 Capital Adequacy: Measurement
of Capital.
Liquidity Facility
Continuing operations
Core assets
Corporate Functions and
Banking cost to
income ratio
Customer deposits
Customer risk
Discontinued Operations
Dividend payout ratio
Funding Index
Customer deposits (excluding certain short dated institutional deposits used to
fund liquid assets) divided by core assets.
Made available by the RBA for qualifying ADIs to access in order to meet
LCR requirements under APS 210 - Liquidity.
Continuing operations are the components of the Group which are not
discontinued operations.
Represents gross loans and advances including acceptances, financial
assets at fair value, and other debt instruments at amortised cost (classified
in comparative periods as investments held to maturity).
The Group's 'Corporate Functions' business includes functions that support
all businesses including Group Funding, Other Corporate Functions activities
and the results of NAB UK CRE and Specialised Group Assets (SGA)
(closed as at 31 March 2015). Group Funding acts as the central vehicle for
movements of capital and structural funding to support the Group's
operations, together with capital and balance sheet management. Other
Corporate Functions activities include Enterprise Services and
Transformation, and Support Units (which includes Office of the CEO, Risk,
Finance, Strategy, People and Governance & Reputation).
Cents Per Share
Represents banking operating expenses )before inter-segment eliminations)
as a percentage of banking operating revenue (before inter-segment
Interest bearing, non-interest bearing and term deposits (including retail and
corporate deposits).
Activities to assist customers to manage their financial risks (predominantly
foreign exchange and interest rate risks).
Discontinued operations are a component of the Group that either has been
disposed of, or is classified as held for sale, and represents a separate major
line of business or geographical area of operations, which is part of a single
co-ordinated plan for disposal.
Payments to holders of other equity instrument issues such as National
Income Securities, Trust Preferred Securities, Trust Preferred Securities II
and National Capital Instruments.
Dividends paid on ordinary shares divided by cash earnings per share.
Instead of receiving cash dividends, shareholders can elect to reinvest
dividends to buy more shares without paying brokerage and other
administration costs.
Exposure at
Cash earnings
per share-
Consist of Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA), Funding Valuation Adjustment
(FVA) and Overnight Index Swap (OIS) adjustment. CVA adjusts the fair value
of over-the-counter derivatives and credit risk. FVA reflects the estimated
present value of future market funding costs or benefits associated with
funding uncollateralised derivatives.
EAD is an estimate of the total committed credit exposure expected to be
drawn at the time of default for a customer or facility that the NAB Group
would incur in the event of a default. It is used in the calculation of RWA.
Calculated as cash earnings adjusted for distributions on other equity
instruments and interest expense on dilutive potential ordinary shares. This
adjusted cash earnings is divided by the weighted average number of ordinary
shares, adjusted to include treasury shares held by a controlled entity of the
Group employee share scheme trust and dilutive potential ordinary shares.
Includes all full-time staff, part-time, temporary, fixed term and casual staff
equivalents, as well as agency temps and external contractors either self-
employed or employed by a third party agency. Note: This does not include
consultants, IT professional services, outsourced service providers and non-
executive directors.
Funds under Management and Administration
Consist of:
- Retail loans (excluding unsecured portfolio managed facilities) which are
contractually past due 90 days with security insufficient to cover principal and
arrears of interest revenue
Ratings Based
Leverage ratio
Loan to Value
Markets & Treasury
NAB Wealth
Net Promoter
Estimate of NAB's CET1 and leverage ratio calculated on rules and those
applied to global peers. Methodology aligns with the APRA study entitled
"International capital comparison study" released on 13 July 2015.
Refers to the processes employed by the Group to estimate credit risk. This is
achieved through the use of internally developed models to assess the
potential credit losses using the outputs from the probability of default, loss
given default and exposure at default models.
LCR measures the amount of high quality liquid assets held that can be
converted to cash easily and immediately in private markets, to total net cash
flows required to meet the Group's liquidity needs for a 30 day calendar
liquidity stress scenario.
As defined by APRA (unless otherwise stated). A non-risk based
supplementary measure to the risk-based capital requirements.
Mortgage loan to bank value of property expressed as a percentage.
NAB risk management comprises NII and OOI and is defined as management
of interest rate risk in the banking book, wholesale funding and liquidity
requirements and trading market risk to support the Group's franchises.
Customer risk comprises OOI. Includes FX.
NAB Wealth provides superannuation, investments and insurances solutions
to retail, corporate and institutional clients. NAB Wealth operates one of the
largest networks of financial advisers in Australia.
Net of revenues generated by interest-bearing assets and the cost of interest-
bearing liabilities.
NII as a percentage of average interest earning assets.
Net Promoter Score measures the net likelihood of recommendation to others.
of the customer's main financial institution for retail or business banking. Net
PromoterⓇ and NPS® are registered trademarks and Net Promoter Score and
Net Promoter System are trademarks of Bain & Company, Satmetrix Systems
and Fred Reichheld.
Gross Impaired
- Non-retail loans which are contractually past due and there is sufficient doubt
about the ultimate collectability of principal and interest, and
Net Interest
- Impaired off-balance sheet credit exposures where current circumstances
indicate that losses may be incurred.
- Unsecured portfolio managed facilities are also classified as impaired assets
when they become 180 days past due (if not written off).
Net Interest
Gross Loans and Acceptances
Housing lending
NAB and its controlled entities.
Mortgages secured by residential properties as collateral.
High Quality
Liquid Assets
Impaired - currently
assessed as no loss
Eligible assets that include cash, balances held with Central Banks along with
securities issued by highly rated Governments and supranationals.
Net Stable
Funding Ratio
Currently assessed as impaired but no loss due to the value of the security
held being sufficient to cover the repayment of principal and interest amounts
NZ Banking
The NSFR is defined as the ratio of the amount of available stable funding to
required stable funding.
NZ Banking comprises the Retail, Business, Agribusiness, Corporate and
Insurances franchises in New Zealand, operating under the 'BNZ' brand. It
excludes BNZ's Markets operations.
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