Third Quarter 2022 Results slide image

Third Quarter 2022 Results

CPBS Commercial & Personal Banking in France - 9M22 €m 3Q22 3Q21 3Q22 / 3Q21 2Q22 3Q22/ 9M22 9M21 9M22 / 2Q22 9M21 Commercial & Personal Banking in France¹ Revenues incl. net interest income incl. fees Operating Expenses and Dep. Gross Operating Income Cost of Risk Operating Income Share of Earnings of Equity-Method Entities Other Non Operating Items Pre-Tax Income Income Attributable to Wealth and Asset Management Pre-Tax Income of Commercial & Personal Banking in France Cost/Income 1,669 1,574 +6.0% 1,728 -3.5% 5,010 4,661 +7.5% 7889 859 +4.7% 919 -2.2% 2,666 2,516 +5.9% 714 +7.7% 809 -4.9% 2,344 2,145 +9.3% -1,133 -1,129 +0.3% -1,117 +1.4% -3,488 -3,379 +3.2% 536 444 +20.6% 612 -12.4% 1,522 1,282 +18.7% -102 -115 -11.8% -64 +59.4% -259 -342 -24.3% 434 329 +31.9% 548 -20.8% 1,263 941 +34.3% 0 0 n.s. 1 -99.7% 1 -1 n.s. 1 54 -99.0% 25 -97.9% 26 54 -51.7% 434 383 +13.6% 574 -24.3% 1,290 993 +29.9% -36 -34 +7.3% -42 -14.0% -110 -92 +19.9% 398 349 +14.2% 531 -25.1% 1,180 901 +30.9% 67.9% 71.8% -3.9 pt 64.6% +3.3 pt 69.6% 72.5% -2.9 pt Allocated Equity (€bn, year to date; including 2/3 of Private Banking in France) 11.1 10.7 +4.1% 1. Including 100% of Private Banking in France for the Revenues to Pre-tax income line items¹ Revenues: +7.5% vs. 9M21 • Net interest income: +5.9%, increase driven by higher volumes and the impact of the interest-rate and market environments; good performance by the Specialised Subsidiaries • Fees: +9.3%, marked increase in all fees Operating expenses: +3.2% vs. 9M21 · Increase driven by business development and impact of cost-savings measures; very positive jaws effect (+4.2 pts) Pre-tax income: +30.9% vs. 9M21, very strong growth in GOI and decrease in the cost of risk reminder from 3Q21: positive impact from a non-recurring item BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world 1. PEL/CEL effect: +€38m in 9M22 (+€24m in 9M21) Third quarter 2022 results | 53
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