March 2022 Investor Presentation slide image

March 2022 Investor Presentation

VERTICALLY INTEGRATED STRUCTURE Unique, vertically integrated structure reduces our reliance on third parties, benefiting our loss, LAE and operating expenses, while also serving as a hedge during catastrophe years. ➤ Vertically integrated structure reduces our earnings volatility, supporting P/E-based valuation for HRTG. MGA structure allows us to meet holding company capital needs (e.g., debt servicing, share repurchases, M&A, etc.) Risk bearing entity (AL, CA, GA, FL, MS, NC, SC) Heritage Property & Casualty Insurance Company (HPCIC) NBIC Holdings, Inc ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Heritage Insurance Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: HRTG) Zephyr Acquisition Company Heritage MGA, LLC Heritage Insurance Claims, LLC Contractors' Alliance Network (CAN) Osprey Re Ltd. Skye Lane Properties, LLC NBIC Financial Holdings, Inc. NBIC Service Company Westwind Underwriters, Inc. HI Holdings, Inc. Provides NBIC with Narragansett Bay underwriting, personnel Insurance Company and other services (NBIC) Risk bearing entity (CA, CT, DE, MA, MD, NY, NJ, RI, VA) March 2022 Investor Presentation Zephyr Insurance Company, Inc. (ZIC) Provides HPCIC & ZIC with underwriting, personnel and other services Mitigation and construction Captive reinsurer division, serves as a hedge in catastrophe years Risk bearing entity (HI) 8 Subsidiary that owns Heritage's corporate headquarters H
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