Investor Presentaiton
GRI 102-17 103-2103-3205-3406-1
We provide an anonymous online reporting channel,
where our employees, clients, users, suppliers, and
partners can report incidents, cases of discrimination,
or indications of irregularities of any nature related
to the activities of C6 Bank and its business partners.
Widely publicized internally, the channel is one of the
subjects of the mandatory training for employees on
the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
All the information is received by Contato Seguro,
an external, independent company specialized
in receiving reports. After the case is registered,
Contato Seguro forwards the information to the
group, with the guarantee of anonymity, for proper
treatment and investigation.
All communications received through the
Transparency Channel (
pt/c6bank) are analyzed, investigated, and taken to
the Ethics Subcommittee, which decides the stance
to be adopted in each case. There were no reports
of corruption or discrimination cases in the period.
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