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Investor Presentaiton

SITE STUDY Aspect of Feasibility Study 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SAFETY RELATED 6. 7. 8. ASPECTS NON-SAFETY RELATED ASPECTS 828 9. EXTERNAL EVENTS Topography dan Geography Geology, geophysic dan geotechnics Seismology Volcanology Oceanography, Off-shore geophysic & coastal flooding Hydrogeology and hydrology Meteorology External Human Induced Events Impact of NPP to Environment Demography 10. Land, water and marine use 11. Radioactivity Background, Dispersion and Dose assessment 12. Emergency Preparedness 13. Spatial Planning and Infrastructure NON-SITE STUDY Technology and safety; Fuel cycle and Rad Wast Management; National Participation; Human Resources; Management (BATAN) Energy Planning; Energy System Analysis; Funding and Economic; Financial viability and Funding; Grid/Network System (PT. PLN) 14. Ecology + endangered species 15. Social economy and socio-culture + historical monuments 16. Other consideration 5
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