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FOR ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING MULTI-MODAL LOGISTICS ENTERPRISE WHY DISRUPT? Client wanted to establish a cloud-based, digital freight marketplace that is fully automated, self-learning and dynamic. A platform to provide shippers with real-time visibility and 20 opportunities to realize time and cost savings Experience Assure Insight Client Digital Journey Accelerate Innovate HOW WE DID IT We were engaged right from the concept stage and we jointly defined the strategy that set. stage for this disruption. • • Build scalable, extensible and agile architecture, rolled out across multiple Business Units Capability building through continuous customer and carrier engagement Data science-led actionable insights and BI to accelerate adoption and roll out WHAT WE ACHIEVED -20% improvement in Load Profitability 5 customer acquisitions within 3 months of launch. Created an additional pipeline of revenues that is on-track to contribute to 15% increase in annual revenues 93 days to launch industry disrupting digital marketplace platform for first mile, middle mile and last mile logistics Infosys Navigate your next
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