Airports Business FY21 Highlights slide image

Airports Business FY21 Highlights

Annexure B: Airport Business (Consolidated) Q4FY2020 Q3FY2021 Q4FY2021 FY2020 INR mn FY2021 Aero Revenue 6,103 1,993 2,511 20,628 6,638 Non Aero Revenue 6,512 5,548 6,635 33,640 20,571 CPD Rentals 3,210 621 6,159 7,641 7,486 Gross Revenue 15,825 8,162 15,305 61,909 34,695 Less: Revenue Share 5,040 1,012 2,107 19,136 3,608 Net Revenue 10,785 7,150 13,198 42,773 31,087 Operating Expenditure 5,428 6,339 5,306 20,121 23,002 EBITDA 5,357 810 7,891 22,652 8,084 EBITDA margin 50% 11% 60% 53% 26% Other Income 1,764 497 397 5,205 2,149 Interest & Finance Charges 3,881 3,769 3,716 13,825 14,776 Depreciation 2,279 2,037 1,991 8,908 8,828 PBT 962 (4,499) 2,581 5,124 (13,370) Tax 619 (477) (452) 1,355 (2,952) Profit after Tax (PAT) 343 (4,022) 3,033 3,768 (10,418) Add: Share in Profit / (Loss) of JVS / Associates PAT (After share in JVs/Associates) 206 -182 (1,144) 1,570 (738) 549 (4,204) 1,889 5,339 (11,156) GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 48
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