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Investor Presentaiton

Intersectoral collaboration to address climate change Is there an agreement in place between the ministry of health and this sector which defines specific roles and responsibilities in relation to links between health and climate change policy? Sectora Transportation Electricity generation Household energy Agriculture Social services Water, sanitation and wastewater management =yes, X=no, O=unknown, N/A=not applicable Specific roles and responsibilities between the national health authority and the sector indicated are defined in the agreement. Agreement in place × ✓ xx × Evidence: Building the investment case Vulnerability and adaptation assessments for health Has an assessment of health vulnerability and impacts of climate change been conducted at the national level? TITLE: N/A ✓ Have the results of the assessment been used for policy prioritization or the allocation of human and financial resources to address the health risks of climate change? UNKNOWN Policy prioritization Human and financial resource allocation None Minimal Somewhat Strong Level of influence of assessment results Dominican Republic 17
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