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Investor Presentaiton

Distribution: commercial network FRANCE PARIS CAVAILLON SOLGNE TOURS PORTUGAL LISBON FARO PORTO BRAGA PORTIMÃO COIMBRA MEXICO TINGÜINDIN - 28,000 PALLETS REFRIGERATED STORAGE CAPACITY Filli Orsero QUALITA GRUPPO ORSERO IF YOU KNOW THE ROAD, QUALITY CAN GO VERY FAR. GREECE ATHENS MACERATA MILAN PESCARA PORTO S. GIORGIO ROME VERONA 9,700 PALLETS RIPENING CAPACITY We operate through a network of companies based in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Costa Rica, Colombia and Mexico. Thanks to the capillarity of our distribution and commercial network, we bring fruit and vegetables. from tropical countries and the southern hemisphere to Europe, from European and national producers to domestic consumers or from another European country SPAIN BARCELONA ALICANTE LLEIDA MADRID ITALY ALBENGA BARI SABADELL SIVIGLIA TARRAGONA TENERIFE BOLOGNA CAGLIARI FLORENCE ISPICA 10
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