Sezzle Results Presentation Deck slide image

Sezzle Results Presentation Deck

IMPROVED UNDERWRITING WITH NEW RISK MODEL 心 3.2 Dec '21 PROPHET MODEL AVERAGE PROPHET SCORE (PROBABILITY OF DEFAULT) ¹ Decrease of 56% 1.8 Dec '22 1.6 Jan '23 ● A proprietary machine learning model designed specifically for the holiday season. Internally developed throughout FY2022 and deployed during the 2022 holiday period. The Prophet Model (probability of default predictor¹) has been a significantly better barometer in identifying high-risk consumers compared to FICO and alternative third-party providers. Since the introduction of the model, the Company has been able to better control risk. RESULT: In 4Q22, Provision for Uncollectible Accounts as a percent of UMS improved by 232bps compared to 4Q21 (3.5%), reaching a record-low 1.2%. ¹The Prophet Model predicts the probability of default at the time of underwriting. As a result, it does not correlate one-to-one with reported loss rates. Source: Sezzle Internal Data. SEZZLE INC 4Q22 Presentation | 9
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