Investor Presentaiton
56 Cargill 2020 Annual Report
Transformation of unwanted waste into premium
and sustainable raw material - Most of the collected
frying oil is used in biodiesel production, a cleaner fuel from
a renewable source. Based on Resolution 16, of 2018, of
the National Council on Energy Policy (CNPE - Conselho
Nacional de Política Energética), all dieselsold in the national
territory must necessarily have between 10% and 30% bio-
diesel and one of the ways of obtaining this raw material for
biodiesel is to recycle post-consumption cooking oil.
Strengthening of the recycling and reuse sector - In
order to have a traceable collection and processing system,
Cargill developed a specialized network that structured itself
to meet the requirements of better practices. In 2020, 17
structured companies participated in collecting spent oil in
the 16 serviced states. The contracting of a startup added
the use of new technology and management systems that
increase the efficiency and scalability potential, allowing for
traceability of each liter of oil collected, since the onset of
the program.
Awareness of new generations - Besides consumers,
the program foresees student involvement with environ-
mental education actions designed for classrooms. This
learning increases child and teenager awareness, including
the importance of recycling. With this, they are capable of
involving their family and the community in this great network
of environmental protection. The importance of this initiative
is contextualized in a transversal manner in the syllabus and
in lectures, activities, games and public interventions in more
than 300 schools serviced by the program.
Widespread of the circular economy concept - By means
of this program, spent oil stops being waste and is transformed
into a raw material for new products. Cargill produces oils and
fats, and carries out this program to collect generated waste,
thus transforming waste into raw material for the production
of new products, thereby closing the cycle, reducing the envi-
ronmental impact, generating income and improving people's
lives. This program can leverage the value perception of spent
oil and its correct disposal. Among the benefits perceived by
the chain, it removes an unwanted compound from the envi-
ronment and allows for the generation of a renewable energy
source that is less polluting, therefore having a strong environ-
mental appeal.
Circular economy
100% recyclabe
115 million
of packaging recycled in 2020
12.8% of reduction in the use of 30% less environmental
plastic in packaging, corresponding to
1,000 tons or 60 million bottles of oil
per year
impact and
81% less emissions of GHG by
replacing cardboard with green plas-
tic in packaging
Results of the Ação Renove o Meio Ambiente Program - 2020
- Liza Line of vegetable oils
1.07 million
liters collected
5.5 million
liters of oil collected since 2011
collection stations in the country
300 participating
schoolsView entire presentation