Long-term Climate Strategy and Financial Performance slide image

Long-term Climate Strategy and Financial Performance

The Group positioned into the right energy trends enel CMD 2019 Capital Markets Day Strategic Plan 2020-22 enei Global outlook: electricity is winning the energy battle (000 TW) enel CMD 2020 .pital Markets DAY November 24th 2020 enel Our next 10 years Share of electricity on total energy consumption? End use avg. Investments needed for electrification (USD Tryear) The energy world will be completely transformed over the next decades... +11.5 23 34.5 + 1 bn electric cars 2.50 24% 43% 2018 1 Source EA WEO 2019 509 -2x +2.8 bn air cond. 19 +2 bn heat pumps. 1,0 0,4 2018 2019-30 2031-2040 -4x Europe 2040 enel (TW) 12.0 Global RES Capacity +4x 2.7 2019 2040 CMD 2021 enel CAPITAL MARKETS DAY ...will see electrification as the most important trigger... IRENA 56% Share of capacity connected to distribution grids' 33% +23 PP Bloomberg lea Bloomberg 50 2019 2040 lea (KTM) 33 +43% Electrified energy consumption 23 2019 20401 Source EA WorldEnergy Ounook 2020 Butanas Developme 1. Eumpe Grid data tromÊNEF E02020 EumpeFigu IRENA [email protected]°C lea Temperature <2°C increase >2°C Bloomberg 20 2019 level 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 901 100 Renewable generation (%) At 2050 | Source Graph-internal elaboration based on IEA (2021) World Energy Outlook 2001 | BNEF (2021) New Energy Outlook IRENA (2020) Global Renewables Outlook IRENA (2021) World Energy Transition Outlook enel At least a 50% rate of electrification is needed in 2050 in order to reach 1.5°c 7
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