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Investor Presentaiton

Burger King Indonesia Burger King Indonesia's journey so far Quadrupling of store count since F&B Asia's acquisition in 2014 MILESTONES EATING & DRINKING INCEPTION 2007 Opened 1st store in Jakarta x 3 2007A ACQUISITION Implementation of strategic optimisation initiatives 2017 Acquired Burger King Indonesia 2014 Acquired Burger King Indonesia while retaining Mitra Adiperkasa as a minority partner BURGER KING 2015 Entered into favourable long-term MFA with RBI OPTIMISATION 2016 Introduced management team with an average of c.20 years of relevant experience to optimize business processes and promote operational excellence x 37 2014A Marketer of the Year Overhauled menu to cater to local taste and preferences Developer of the Year 2018 Shift emphasis to brand communication to promote next stage of growth INDONESIA Best Employer Brand BURGER X 54 2016A Golden Crown ACCELERATION BURGER KING Expanding reach through channel expansion and digital integration 2019-2020 Awarded (i) Gold Crown and (ii) Operator of the Year awards at the 2019 Burger King Global Convention 7. Sa Burge Indionason Gold Crown and Operator of the Year 2021-2026 • Enhanced development effort in more profitable FSDT outlets Greater marketing budget for TV advertisement, social media engagement and promotion through delivery aggregators RGER 2019 MAR OF THE OPERATIONS MARKET ANK Best Operations Market APAC x 174 x 225 2020A 2023E x 330 2026E × Active store count at the end of each year (including 1 sub-franchised store that has been opened since 2018) Notes: 1 Store growth based on internal estimates and targets. Estimated as at March 2023 and March 2026 respectively
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